Friday, November 8, 2013

Why a farmstay?

What is a farmstay?

A farmstay (such as Flip Flop Ranch) is simply that-a farm that you stay at.  A farmstay is a rural retreat that offers accommodations in the farmer’s home or guest house.  Sometimes the farmstay is even a tent, yurt or tree house.  Guests get a tour of the farm and can learn about farming and homesteading.
            At the Flip Flop Ranch farmstay, guests get to see all the animals, feed them morning and afternoon and milk the goats.  During the day, guests can help weed the gardens, pick fruit for canning and participate in other farm chores…or they can go skiing in the nearby mountains, spelunking in the old gold mines or hike out to see the desert wildflowers at Joshua Tree National Park.
            People want to come to a farmstay because it’s a chance to get back to agricultural roots and to relive a simpler way of life.  Children can actually play outside in the dirt instead of virtually in a video game and parents can sit out on the porch drinking a lemonade. 
            Farmers want to offer a farmstay as a way to bring in more income, but also because it gives them a chance to share their way of life.  Farming is generally very isolating and a farmstay builds friendships without ever having to leave the farm.  Most farmers love to talk about what they do and farmstay guests are happy to listen!
            Farmstays are necessary for ensuring the continued connection between farmers and the public.  It used to be that people knew their farmers and went to farmer’s markets or straight to the farm to get their produce and meat, but today who knows a farmer?  With a farmstay, people are made aware of their local farms and feel welcome to visit.  And not only that, but a farmstay sets aside time to make people feel comfortable as well as to educate them.  The farmstay and other agritourism projects are necessary connections between those on the farm and those off the farm. 

People need to be aware of the source of what they’re eatingand they need access to good, healthy farm-fresh food.  But more than that, people also need to be aware of the individuals and families that are producing these foods.  Farmers need to be supported and protected as they are often a vulnerable part of the population.  The farmstay builds relationships and helps people to understand the importance of farmers.